Our Mission
The REC is a dedicated organization that advocates for racial equality across the board, pushing for positive change within our community. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced within black and brown communities, we are passionate about promoting equality and dismantling systemic barriers that perpetuate racial disparities.
The REC firmly believes in the power of racial equality and strive to create a society that embraces diversity, fosters inclusivity, and dismantles systemic racism. Our commitment to racial equity is at the core of our work, driving us to challenge existing structures, policies, and attitudes that perpetuate racial disparities. We envision a world where every individual, regardless of their racial or ethnic background, has equal opportunities and experiences equitable outcomes.
Meet the Team
The office Staff of the Consortium, located at Delaware State University's Bank of America Building, Suite 311
The Honorable Stephanie T. Bolden
Delaware State Representive
The Honorable Nnamdi O. Chukwuocha
Delaware State Representative
Mr. Willie V. Scott
Mr. Matthew Williams
Conscious Connections, Inc.
Mr. Antonio Boyle
Delaware State University
Richard Smith
NAACP Delaware
Melanie Daniels
National Coalition of 100 Black Women-DE Chapter
Jennifer Thompkins
Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League
Douglas Gramiak
Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
Jane Hovington
Dr. Freeman Williams
NAACP- Newark Chapter
Wali Rushdan
Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
Maria Matos
Latin American Community Center
Saundra Ross
Statewide Equity Initiatives
Shavone White
Office of Supplier Diversity
Shoneetesha Qual
Division of Public Health
Sequia Rent
Bureau of Health Equity
The Honorable Karryl Hubbard
Delaware Department of Labor
Cassandra Davis
Delaware Department of Corrections
The Honorable Mark Holodick
Delaware Department of Education
Ilya Moses
Department of Services for Children. Youth & Their Families
Caitlin Del Collo
Delaware State Housing Authority
Corie Priest
Delaware Department of Justice
Richard M. Potter Jr.
Delaware Division of Human Resources